Contact us.

1218 Bank Street
Ottawa, ON K1S 3Y1

We are a class based studio and are only open for classes and for specified pick-up hours. The studio will remain closed at all other times.

We do not have a phone in the studio as we often have hands covered in clay, if you have an inquiry please message us here or send us an email at

A few things to note before reaching out;

  • I am not immediately responsive but will get to your email as soon as I can. It is a one woman show here at the studio, so I can only take a couple times a week to get to emails. Luckily there are no emergencies when it comes to pottery!

  • If you are emailing to reschedule your spot in a class, the date the email was sent will absolutely be honoured.

  • If your desired dates for a class are not available, the class has sold out. We do not hold waitlists or cancellation lists for classes, so if any spots become available they’ll be posted up on the website and often posted on instagram, just keep checking!

  • The office is not open on weekends, so any inquiries sent on Saturday or Sunday will be seen the following week.

  • Emails asking when items will be ready for pick-up will not be answered, items can take up to four weeks to complete and you will receive an email when your pieces are ready for pick-up, check your spam folders!