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The pre-school of pottery for adults!

Connect with ancient traditions in a space that encourages creativity and helps you experience an activity that promotes mindfulness and relaxation.

Why pottery?

Engaging in pottery not only nurtures creativity but also provides a powerful outlet for stress relief. As hands mold and shape the clay, the mind enters a tranquil state where worries dissipate into thin air. The tactile sensation of the wheel and the malleability of the clay create a therapeutic experience, allowing for a surge of innovative ideas and a profound sense of calm.

What is hand building?

Create anything your heart desires with hand building. Without using a pottery wheel, hand building uses only your hands and tools to create desired forms and objects. Slab building, coiling and pinching are all hand building techniques that can be used by themselves or used together in a piece.

What is wheel throwing?

Wheel throwing is a pottery technique using a spinning wheel to shape clay into various forms, like bowls, cups, and vases. Artists center the clay, shape it with their hands, and guide it while the wheel spins, resulting in elegant, unique pieces of art.